My Prices
My base price for ANYTHING is about $6 USD.
No matter what.
Anything ordered will cost a minimum of $6 USD.
$6 is basically a full-body sketch piece.
I won't draw anything less than full-body for sketches, you get what you pay for 🫡
You're more than welcome to do whatever you want with the sketch piece;
Finish it, reference it, whatever you want, bro, you paid!!!
All sketches are 1 character only.
All busts are 1 character only.
All prices shown are in USD.
LINEART — $6 Base
Bust; $6
Half Body; $8
Full Body; $10
FLAT COLOR — $10 Base
Bust; $10
Half Body; $15
Full Body; $20
CELL shading, btw. I'm not exactly a shading wizard...
Don't go into this expecting the Mona Lisa!
References of what I'm capable of (will be) posted below, ofc.
Half Body; $17
Full Body; $25
Half Body; $5/character Full Body; $7/character This does not include NSFW. |
NSFW | $10 extra, for all NSFW pieces. Again, I will ID you!!! More info in NSFW page. |
All reference pages are $30. They include full-body cell-shaded renders of one character, with characters name/details/color pallets/any info you want put about them to the side. If there's anything you 100% want/don’t want on your reference sheet, don't be shy; Tell me! |
Half body and full body only. Each pet/animal is extra depending on size! Insects + bugs; Free Tiny Pets (mice, rats, hamsters); $1/ea Small Pets (cats, reptiles); $2/ea Big Pets (dogs, etc.); $3/ea Large Pets (horses, etc); $5/ea |
Extra complicated dresses, items, and poses MAY cost extra depending on how complex, the time it takes me to draw it, etc. You will be informed before I start/before being charged!!! |
Everything else was pretty much explained here, but I want to go over a few more things;
Everything in “Prices” is just the base price. Again, as mentioned, complicated stuff
may be extra. If there is any extra charge for anything, I will make you aware before the
piece is finalized so that you can ask for any changes or anything. :]
I will also NOT charge you UNTIL I am finished and you are satisfied with the
preview of the piece you have ordered.
I have a right to decline any order I feel way too uncomfortable completing, and I have a
right to cancel an order if you're going to be rude to me. Again, I’m not charging until the
piece is done and you're happy with the preview, so there is no need to be mean to me!
Please be nice or I will not be finishing your art, thank you.
Lastly, I will be contacting you through the whole process to both keep
you aware that I am indeed working, as well as continue to get
specifications for what you want the art to look like!