My Boundaries & Artistic Abilities


FURRIES I'll ask for a reference of your fursona, either way! That way, I can get all of your details that you put into them right. As well, if you'd like to, feel free to send me a reference of their species! :]

Please provide color pallets, scar and marking maps, and any other details that apply to them, if you can. Thanks always!
OCs Same goes for furries. I will ask you for references!!!
Please provide color pallets, scar/marking maps, etc. as well.

I may also ask for extra details in both cases, bear with me!
If they’re from a series where they don't have a fully canon appearance (most podcast/book characters), I may ask for a reference or of your favored interpretation of them.

If it comes to that please check in with the artist of that interpretation to make sure it's okay and send me proof they agreed as such.
I can't draw detailed stuff too well, so it'll be a little bit "toony"... but I'll try my best! I love drawing horror and gory stuff, hehe.

I can do regular gore, purposely hyper-toony stuff, pastel/"candy" gore, and all other sorts of that stuff.
Oop! This may cost you extra, heads up.
Also, I WILL have to ID you, just to make sure you're old enough to be buyin' this stuff! It's illegal in my country to sell NSFW stuff to kids, you know. (Also I flat-out refuse to do so.)

I also refuse to draw NSFW of characters under 18.
They have to be adults too!

...And don't try to loophole me, I'll block you.
More info on NSFW comms in the NSFW Comms page!


NSFW of Minor Characters

Once again, I will not, and REFUSE to draw NSFW or suggestive pieces of minor characters. That's super-gross and, in fact, a crime!

If you're requesting an existing character, I'll Google their age to make sure you're abiding by all these rules. If they're too young, I won't do it.

And again, if you're trying to buy NSFW artwork, I will have to ID you.

I won't draw canon sex offenders.

So if you're coming to buy art of characters like Haiji Towa (DR:UDG), Jimmy (Mouthwashing), or Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter), sorry, pal.

I'll have to say no, to that.

Characters from the following media:

                          Alfred's Playhouse
                          Harry Potter
                          Attack on Titan

All of these are due to the creators being neo-nazis.
I may add more in the future but for now,
if it's not on the list, it's fair-game.

Stuff I'm just not too awesome at drawing...

                  Super-detailed muscles (I wish...)
                  Super-detailed mechs (I WISH...)

And lastly...

Art for people who are mean to me.

Remember, I have every right to terminate
a commission at ANY time.

If you're going to be a real dick to me, I don't owe you art.
EVEN IF you're paying me!

Nope. Not doing it. Don't be gross.

Once again, I refuse to draw stuff like """taboo""" (pedo, necro, zoo) shit.

I also won't draw S/A or rape, characters who
are canonically sex offenders,etc.
I'll reiterate this AGAIN---

If you're ordering a piece of an existing character,

If they're a kid, I'm turning you away.
I'll draw gore for ya (for a price (the Gore Tax...)), but I want to clear it up right now that aside from like... blood-drinking or vampire shit, I won't draw cannibalism, due to my own discomfort with the subject.

I won't block or completely turn you away for requesting it, but I'll have to ask you to reconsider commissioning thatfrom me or to
request something else.

Anything else is fair game, unless I decide otherwise and put it on here.

Also, remember that I reserve the right to refuse ANYTHING,
whether it's on here, or not.