mail Hello! mail

My name is... Gabriel!
My pronouns are... he/it/angel
I am... Transmasc, MLM + arospec, & objectum!


 Hey, I'm Gabriel! Aspiring game dev, EXTREMELY
amateur web designer, and overall silly guy.

Once again, credit for help on coding this
website goes to my boyfriend! Love you :]

As for me, I spend most of my freetime online. I'm a soon-to-
be-liscenced master cosmetologist, and am working on learning
coding so that I can go on and make games and programs someday!
It's always been a passion and a daydream of mine, hehe.

I'm also - as per the cosmetology education - also very
passionate about nails! Nail art, acrylics, the works!
...And I like to think I'm very good at it!

Chat with me on the NINA AIM client! :]
My screenname is lightlessflames.

I have a variety of interests! Here are a few...~


I'm a HUGE fan of the Saw (2004 - ... ) franchise, and it serves as a massive inspiration to a lot of my more horror-adjacent works. :] I pretty much have the whole first movie from 2004 committed to memory, and have seen the short film that inspired it countless times.

I also like a ton of other horror movies like Christine, The Exorcist, Friday the 13th, Candyman, and more.
(Psssst...  But Saw will always be my favorite!)

My favorite non-horror movie (if you don't count the psychological aspect, hehe) would have to be The Truman Show.


My current ALL-time favorite is Ultrakill. Yes, I named myself after a certain character from the game. Hop off my ass >_>...

Aside from Ultrakill, I also like Night in the Woods, Hypnospace Outlaw, The Sims, Project Zomboid, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and more. My favorite genre, if you can't tell, is horror lmfao

Podcasts I really like The Magnus Archives and Welcome to Nightvale!

My overall favorite artists are Avril Lavigne and The Paper Chase. I also like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, tons of 2000s stuff. R.I.P. Chester Bennington...

I also like a lot of 80's music! :D

Books While I don't fly through books at the speed I did when I was, like... 12, I still have a deep fondness for the Percy Jackson series! Those books will always have a very special place in my heart.
TV I've been really into Madoka Magica lately :]
Other than that, I don't watch too much TV.
Other Also, HOMESTUCK!!!
Still love it, and have since I first read it in 2014.

Aside from all of that though, I ask you to please be patient.
I am autistic, as well I have BPD (borderline personality disorder)
as well as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and I
suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

It's not fun!!! It's double not-fun when I have a billion people
up my ass acting like dicks. >_>

Be patient, and be kind. That's all I ask!
If that's not possible,
I have every right to block you.

Everyone besides the Obvious Total Creepazoids is welcome to interact!
Don't be shy, I really don't bite!

Just be nice to me and don't do grody stuff, that's all I ask.

Also please remember two things;
1. I am a grown adult, and
2. I have a boyfriend!!!
Who I am very much committed to and love dearly, mind you!

Please don't be weird or creepy to me.
Unsolicited flirting or stuff like that will be
hit with a block! Thank you. ^_^

Thanks for checking out my website!

Take care, and have a good night!